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From HTA results to guidance implementation: paving the way

  • Identify and categorise technologies offering prospects for efficiency gains outside incremental innovations (higher quality/higher costs)

  • Clarify under which conditions decremental cost-effectiveness is acceptable for collective health gains

  • Develop a tool-box for use at a local level for HTA projects to maximise those health gains


  • Systematic search of clinical trials registries and published literature to identify decrementally cost-effective programmes, as for example non-drug interventions or non-inferiority trials

  • Conduct a systematic enquiry into the willingness of stakeholders (namely patients, professionals, decision makers, tax payers) to accept a decremental efficacy

  • A toolbox and guidance for HTA agencies to go beyond cost-effective comparators in their assessments and recommendations




  • Deliverable D11.1: Systematic review of decrementally cost-effective interventions [PDF]

  • Deliverable D11.2: Stakeholders’ perspective: a political economy report [PDF]

  • Deliverable D11.3: A toolbox on candidate cost-effective technologies for HTA producers and users [PDF]

  • Work Package Overall Results [Poster PDF]


  • Budget impact analysis of triple therapy after failure of methotrexate for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in France – ISPOR Europe [weblink]

  • Annual cost of patients undergoing a total knee replacement in France – ISPOR Europe [weblink]


Paris School of Economics Hospital Innovation Economics (Hospinnomics)


Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris

Unité de Recherche Clinique en Économie de la Santé d’Ile de France (URC Eco)


Research team

Lise Rochaix (PI)

Isabelle Durand-Zaleski (PI)

Jean-Claude K. Dupont

Meryl Darlington

Emelie Lindström 

Ivan Tzintzun 

Jonathan Sicsic

Lucie Sabin

Rafaele Scarica

Xyomara Chavez Pacheco

Faustine Emmanuel

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779312

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