Exploring health preferences on different subpopulation groups using EQ-5D
To explore differences in patient’s health preferences by disease area
To assess preferences from adolescents and compare these to general population preferences for adolescents
To develop value sets for young populations using the EQ-5D-Y instrument
This WP will use discrete choice experiments (DCE) to obtain health state preferences from different subpopulations. This includes adult patients, adult general population and adolescent general population.
Health state preferences for different groups of patients in a sample of 1400 in two countries, 700 each (Germany and Spain), will be investigated using the EQ-5D-5L instrument.
Using the EQ-5D-Y instrument, child health state preferences in a sample of 4200 respondents from the general population in 3 countries - 1400 respondents (700 adults, 700 adolescents) from each of Slovenia, Germany and Spain, will be investigated.
Deliverable D5.1: Value sets for the EQ-5D-Y in Germany, Slovenia and Spain and comparison of EQ-5D-Y value sets across countries (Germany, Slovenia and Spain) [PDF]
Deliverable D5.2: Comparison of EQ-5D-5L value sets from different disease areas in 2 countries (Germany and Spain) [PDF]
Work Package Overall Results – Poster [PDF]
Dataset on adolescent preferences toward EQ-5D-Y in Slovenia [PDF]
Dataset on adult preferences toward EQ-5D-Y health states in Slovenia [PDF]
Dataset on preferences of diabetic patients toward EQ-5D5L health states in Germany [PDF]
Dataset on preferences of rheumatic patients toward EQ5D-5L health states in Germany [PDF]
Dataset on preferences of diabetic patients toward EQ-5D5L health states in Spain [PDF]
Dataset on preferences of rheumatic patients toward EQ5D-5L health states in Spain [PDF]
Dataset on adult preferences toward EQ-5D-Y health states in Germany [PDF]
Dataset on adolescent preferences toward EQ-5D-Yin Germany [PDF]
Dataset on adult preferences toward EQ-5D-Y health states in Spain [PDF]
Dataset on adolescent preferences toward EQ-5D-Yin Spain [PDF]
Prevolnik Rupel V, Ogorevc M, IMPACT HTA HRQoL Group. et al (2021). EQ-5D-Y value set for Slovenia. PharmacoEconomics. []
Ludwig K, Ramos-Goñi JM, Oppe M, Kreimeier S, Greiner W (2021). To what extent do patient preferences differ from general population preferences? Value in Health. []
Prevolnik Rupel V, Ramos-Goñi JM, Ogorevc M, Kreimeier S, Ludwig K, Greiner W (2021). Comparison of adult and adolescent preferences toward EQ-5D-Y-3L health states. Value in Health. []
Ramos-Goñi JM, Oppe M, Estévez-Carrillo A, Rivero-Arias O, Wolfgang G, Kreimeier S, Ludwig K, Rupel V (2021). Accounting for unobservable preference heterogeneity and evaluating alternative anchoring approaches to estimate country-specific EQ-5D-Y value sets: A case study using Spanish preference data. Value in Health. [].
Kreimeier S, Mott D, Ludwig K, Greiner W (2022). EQ-5D-Y Value Set for Germany. PharmacoEconomics. []
Universitaet Bielefeld
School of Public Health, Department of Health Economics and Health Care Management
Inštitut za Ekonomska Raziskovanja
Research Team
Juan Manuel Ramos-Goni
Simone Kreimeier
Kristina Ludwig
Lena Hasemann
Bastian Surmann
Marko Ogorevc
Matjaž Črnigoj